
Do it again /* installing arch linux on my chromebook */

Yesterday, I found setting server manually than geo based server selection will fix the problem that some packages didn't installed because mirror server was unreachable.
So I decided to do it again from start.

I already downloaded install.sh at /home/root so process is simpler
  1. become the root
    $ sudo su -
  2. $ cd /home/root
  3. run install.sh (it's already there)
    $ sh install.sh /dev/sda
  4. after installed arch linux to usb,
    $ reboot + ctrl+U
  5. login as a root
  6. change the mirror server for pacman
    $ nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
  7. connect to wifi
    wifi-menu mlan0
  8. check network status
    $ ping -c 3 www.google.com
  9. install wget
    $ pacman -S wget
  10. download post-install.sh
    $ wget https://raw2.github.com/omgmog/archarm-usb-hp-chromebook-11/master/post-install.sh
  11. run post-install.sh
    $ sh post-intall.sh
I thought it should work but it didn't. Again I encountered server unreachable problem for some packages.
I tried servers located in Canada and Singapore but both wasn't success.

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