

R page

R page


Vectors are one-dimensional arrays that can hold numeric data, character data, or logical data.


A matrix is a two-dimentional array where each element has the same mode(numeric, character, or logical).


Arrays are similar to matrices but can have more than two dimentions.

Data frames

A data frames is more general than a matrix in that different columns can contain different modes of data (numeric, character, etc).


As you've seen, variables can be described as nominal, ordinal, or continuous.


Lists are the most complex of the R data types. Basically, a list is an ordered collection of objects (components).


Cleaning data

"H22.1.4" have to be converted to like this, "2010.1.4"

Then, turn the expression like "2010.1.4" into date value using "as.Date()" function

I wanna turn "H21" into "2009", "1.4" into "01.04" for as.Date() conversion.

So, what should I do?

Using Python

I try to do my mission by using Python.

My Python program should read the file ("something.csv" file suppose) and convert texts of date in the file into ideal way of expression.