
Task 7-1

Task 7-1

The s file command in mail saves the current message in file. If the message came over a network (such as the Internet), then it has several header lines prepended that give information about network routing. Write a shell script that deletes the header lines from the file.

We can use ed to delete the header lines. To do this, we need to know something about the syntax of mail messages; specifically, that there is always a blank line between the header lines and the message text. The ed command 1,/^[]*$/d does the trick: it means, "Delete from line 1 until the first blank line." We also need the ed commands w (write the changed file) and q (quit). Here is the code that solves the task:
ed $1 << EOF
1,/^[ ]*$/d

The shell does parameter (variable) substitution and command substitution on text in a here-document, meaning that you can use shell variables and commands to customize the text. A good example of this is the bashbug script, which sends a bug report to the bash maintainer (see Chapter 11). Here is a stripped-down version:

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