
Chapter 7.1. I/O Redirectors

Table 7-1. I/O redirectors
Redirector Function
cmd1 | cmd2 Pipe; take standard output of cmd1 as standard input to cmd2.
> file Direct standard output to file.
< file Take standard input from file.
>> file Direct standard output to file; append to file if it already exists.
>| file Force standard output to file even if noclobber is set.
n>| file Force output to file from file descriptor n even if noclobber is set.
<> file Use file as both standard input and standard output.
n<> file Use file as both input and output for file descriptor n.
<< label Here-document; see text.
n > file Direct file descriptor n to file.
n < file Take file descriptor n from file.
n >> file Direct file descriptor n to file; append to file if it already exists.
n>& Duplicate standard output to file descriptor n.
n<& Duplicate standard input from file descriptor n.
n>&m File descriptor n is made to be a copy of the output file descriptor.
n<&m File descriptor n is made to be a copy of the input file descriptor.
&>file Directs standard output and standard error to file.
<&- Close the standard input.
>&- Close the standard output.
n>&- Close the output from file descriptor n.
n<&- Close the input from file descriptor n.
n>&word If n is not specified, the standard output (file descriptor 1) is used. If the digits in word do not specify a file descriptor open for output, a redirection error occurs. As a special case, if n is omitted, and word does not expand to one or more digits, the standard output and standard error are redirected as described previously.
n<&word If word expands to one or more digits, the file descriptor denoted by n is made to be a copy of that file descriptor. If the digits in word do not specify a file descriptor open for input, a redirection error occurs. If word evaluates to -, file descriptor n is closed. If n is not specified, the standard input (file descriptor 0) is used.
n>&digit- Moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not specified.
n<&digit- Moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified. digit is closed after being duplicated to n.

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